So amazing that sex is energy and feels like God, yet there is emptiness in all, there is a space of nothingness between the heights of existence. We fly far less than we walk and think.
So why care how you express that love of energy, all leads back to the fact that God is energy, you are part of a web that shapes the consciousness of man for however long we get to express ourselves, until we are washed away in the fabric of energy, absorbed back into the fold, as the universe pushes us aside.
In a billion years they say we collide with the Andromeda Galaxy for a billion year pageantry in the sky, yet still relatively small in the big company of the universe. Good luck!
So what of it? any of it...fuck it

You can move energy in the fabric of how we exist. There's just no question about it...but the major-fabric of it can never be halted for you, or your death, just altered in it's course, all the while stepping us aside, hopefully re-using us again in the future: but till then there is great silence. What is the point of goodbye!
I could only imagine in a great way that the end of God and the end of Energy look much alike, much like a desert.
The world is craziest of all!
If you can only imagine the craziness, the mess, the mad light of streaking beauty, as humanity made this space-debris with it's time on earth, then you would be desperate to wake up! So wake up!
My whole theology is structured on the idea that you either play in the Cosmic Canticle of Humanity for a little bit, a short song, and fly away, back to the wave that brought you, or to not exist at all and be washed away by the same wave.
It is a fight or flight theology. You leap or you sit. Your leap is yours though. The great religions draw great maps to God, but your jump is your jump. It's the clump of energy allotted you...Make peace with it and dance...
Learn to juggle for one thing. Write a poem. Canoe through class 4 rapids on a river once. Make a list and piss on my list.
This is about jumping, not just my flight. I know nothing of God, yet I reach and I reach, like you do...and I write.
The only thing you evade for yourself, to great peril, is to avoid energy...don't make a noise. Doing is more fun than not-doing: is all the theology you'll ever need crumpled on scrap-paper, shoved in your back pocket, to get up and sing.
Just move.
If in your mind you dread that the after-life is possibly nothingness, and you dread the sick joke then, that life seems to become: that all is absurdity, then why not at least make energy, like playing with play-dough for Christ's sake! Grab it and roll, mold shit up as you surf your life, for the sake of your life, sculpt the world.
Live in humility and enjoy...