Meet my kids, they are the chaos of our blended family. Juliana Skye is the only child in this house that unites them all by blood. These mugshots of them can never tell their whole stories, and neither can my words. That will be up to them, as they grow, and live their lives, and show the world what they are to become. These bastards are my world. I hope I can do them a little justice as I allow you into their lives for a moment.
This is Ty Cobb, my stepson, and beautiful Holly's first born. He's been the love of Holly's life since he came into this world. Their bond is unbreakable, as she has cared for him in all the ways a great mother does. He loves his mother beyond love, and if you know them you know the truth of this clear as day. Don't get me wrong, he can be annoying and lazy as a Southern day, but this is a 13 year old with a big heart for his family and his friends. He has 2 dads and 2 moms, and he's good and affectionate to us all. His dad is a great guy, and Tyler is becoming like him. I'm lucky to have landed into his life the way I have. When Owen, in his young way, claims he is stuck on the trampoline and yells for me to come get him, as I look out the window, and without fail, before I need to "save" Owen, Tyler is helping him down and sometimes carrying him all the way to the house on his shoulders. In Tyler my 2 sons were given an older brother they adore. The question "when is Tyler coming home?" is a constant on the days he's at his father's. Our house is always missing a piece on those days for sure. On a funny note, we're a sarcastic family, and when Holly and I told Tyler he was a bastard, explaining, that's when you're born out of wedlock, he ran to school proudly telling all his friends he was a douche. I could imagine the poor guy having to correct his mistake the next day saying, "I'm meant to say I'm a bastard yesterday."
This face is Aidan Campbell, my first born, my boy, my love. This fucker is a spit fire. He has more energy than "big oil" can provide. He jumps on the trampoline till the sun drops, hates school like Lex Luther hates Superman, loves mellow cream pumpkins, and fights for beautiful Holly's affection from both Tyler and I. When his mom died he developed anger to complement the fire in his veins, so I bought him a real sword at a Medieval fair when he was 5. He pulled it on me that week proclaiming he would cut off my head...hmmm lesson learned, as the sword sits in my closet thanks to Beautiful Holly. Aidan struggles with his reading, but still idolizes Superman. He always wants to know "which one is tougher" a snake or a lion, Superman or Darkseid, Jupiter or the Sun, or whatever fight he can pair up in his head. He is sure though, as he told me that uncle Chris and uncle Andrew (my older and younger brothers) are tougher than me. During Owen's birth Aidan came running in the room saying "I have poop on my finger!" When I asked him how that happened he said, "I stuck it in my butt."
Our youngest of the boys, Owen Campbell. This kid will take the longest to eat his dinner, only to proclaim he would rather forgo TV, computer time, and video games so he can avoid the last few bites of corn on his plate. Without fail Owen comes asking for his corn. Owen was born with a rare genetic disorder called MPS II, aka Hunter Syndrome. He has had numerous surgeries, and receives medication through a port every week, but he is growing, developing his speech, and once again thanks to Beautiful Holly, becoming a bit tougher and more open to other people. Owen is a loving child, and is obsessed with his baby sister, and idolizes Tyler and Aidan. He's stubborn and thick headed, yet enjoys simple things more often than not. Owen's big challenge is growing his imagination. My soft spot for him has been his crutch. But he's not my baby anymore, he's a growing boy. I am accepting that.
This is my angel, Juliana Skye Campbell. She is the creation of Beautiful Holly and I, and all the poetry in the world is a bag of shit in my eyes, compared to this little flower. This is my peanut, my treasure, my little gem of the Earth. Her eyes are bluer than the Sky, with the face of a doll. She laughs for me and loves her mommy so much. She gives me a reason to own a gun, and a tank, bullet proof vests for me and the boys, and a lion in my heart to fuck the world that wants to hurt her. Speaking directly to this world, I'm saying, "be careful with my baby, watch your step around her, come near her and your dead, I will kill you I swear. But if you are good and kind to her and take care of her when you can, then not only will I not fuck your world, but maybe I'll point my tank in the direction of your enemies." And just two nights ago, as Beautiful Holly kissed her on the mouth good night, Juliana puked right in her mouth.
These are my children, and this is my world. Beautiful Holly remains a mystery to this page. She is the heart of my family.
I'm Matthew, campbellonemillion is my rapper name. That's a lie; I really can't rap. I have a Yankee hat for each day of the week. Every day I love my family and the Yankees. I hate the Red Sox. I'm writing this blog to tell the story of the world as it filters through my eyes.
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Love it. you do have a great family :) Juliana has no clue what she's in for with three big brothers!!