Jules is not just precious stone, delicate flower, everyday baby...Jules is before the after life and after what came before...
She is the beast burrowed in my heart and burrowed in the ethereal realm where I exist: beyond apples and tears...
Jules is a butterfly, sea stone, wet bird, absurd little comic strip...
I dug Jules from dirt, Jules came from sky...I plant Jules in the ground, Jules is water, Jules lights up night skies...
Jules is both buddy and best friend..."wanna lay with me" from her sweet soul..."want some" wet cookie from her reaching hand..."huggie" with arms wrapped round my neck and head..."I'm not goin bed: I'm watch'n Umizumi" in mad defiance..."kiss" from small puckered lips, little hand in my hand,
little buddy running circles round my head, at work all day and I miss Jules...

Jules tugs at my heart strings like a mad puppeteer...Jules likes to see me run for her, get up for her, work for her, feed her and tuck her in at night...Jules knows I would slice my own throat for her...
You should know what I would do to you for her...

I don't think an explanation for my last sentence is needed...
But Jules won't always need me...doesn't matter though I will always be there...Jules is a bad ass...but I'm her crazy father...these are waters best not tested...
My little girl is sweet honey, golden cuteness, tender skin and eyes...My girl is worth my life...
If you know Jules you love her...

If you know me you know not to look at Jules the wrong way...
I'm not just some over protective psycho dad...I will chase you, hunt you, skin you, and piss on your corpse...if you see Jules stand back just a bit and keep my nerves at ease...it's best for us all...

My eyes developed crows feet...I'm a dead crow walking a mean world, a cruel world and a cold world...the world absurd...
Jules is pink in a blue hue, she walks in light steps, guiding my blind feet, holding my one finger in her little hand...she won't let me go...Jules holds me up with a glance and beckon from her baby soul, her ancient soul burrowed in my time...
I went apple picking over two years ago...I picked Jules red ripe: fresh from the vine...Jules the apple of my eye...my world is an apple...my apple has blue eyes...sun-pretty eye lashes and eye lids rising, back to the sea and sky, ultramarine, cobalt, sapphire, cerulean…

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