You're my sweet girl, sweet of coconut and sea breeze, my demon, my gorgeous flower burst upon the world, the body of my desire, soul of mad fire...On my anniversary I'm saying, My Love, that I love you with my whole heart, I love you with all my heart, my entire heart, I love you completely...
Our anniversary rises with the dawn, the shape of time is the shape of your shape, which forms the space around us so perfect, time is perfect, I lose myself inside you.
We hike. The day dawns on my life as you walk about my inner life, I hide behind trees in the woods, I step out and yell. Holly Girl you take me over, and you give, and I life is yours...
Thank you for being my favorite Yankee fan, my best friend, the cactus in the desert of my heart, thank you for being the land of are not just an idea...the lands across your body are the lands of Eden...and Eden is is sun and moon and stars...Earth is our land...
I want new things for us and our children...I want so much and to experience so much with Us together, never separate, never divided...I crave you...This family is a feast, this family is our celebration...
I love that you love all of our children, you are so good, you're so're the best wife and the best due great things, your energy: a magnetic force, keeps your planets circling the shape of your bang'n body...have I mentioned you're hot?
What have I done to prove my love...I want to slice my wrist to show you I love you...I want to take the moon from the night's sky and give it to you in a small white box...I'm sacrificing my life for your life...for the rest of my life please, please baby, just keep being my wife...
Happy Anniversary Holly Girl!!!